All shall be well

I love coming home {in fact, the older I get, the more I desire to be at home above all places.} Surrounded by my family and the years of memories the walls of our home hold inside, home is where I exhale. At home there's room for my soul; I can breathe again; rest. At home, all is well {and my heart tells me "all will be well." In the book, Captivating , there's a quote by Julian of Norwich that concludes: "And all manner of things will be well." That is what beauty says: All shall be well. While our home might not always be Pinterest-worthy, I do strive to keep my home as a reflection of God and His Word! I have a bit of scripture in each room of our home {yes, even in the bathroom}, mingled with photographs, pictures the boys have painted, mementos from travels, birthdays, holidays. These items of beauty reflect {and remind me of} God's beauty and creativity. I want each room in our home to proclaim God's goodness and His truth. I desire ou...