Our Home, His Glory

Thanksgiving Day at the Magic Kingdom {♥} Happy New Year! Sorry I haven't posted since Halloween! We went on vacation for Thanksgiving Break {our families sent us to Disney!}, Elijah played the role of Amahl in Amahl & the Night Visitors, my parents came to visit, I was room Mom for a 4th Grade Christmas party, my sister-in-law got married, Christmas & New Year happened ... and here we are! Tomorrow I'm presenting a workshop on the organized home at our church's one day women's retreat. I don't know about you but I'm obsessed with organization. If you have a blog about organizing - I'll read it; if there's a magazine article - I'll buy that magazine; a show - I'll watch it. My friend Laura shares my passion {but my friend Susie says I have a problem} <--- which I take as a compliment {♥} We have four people {two of whom are still growing!} in a home that has 1,100 square feet. Organizing is my obsession - but it's also necess...