It Is Well

Nerd alert - I LOVE Harry Potter >>and Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, etc.<< You get the picture. Hence the nod to one of my favorite Dumbledore quotes from Harry Potter. I get daily emails from A.W. Tozer >>well, from someone who's keeping his writing and thoughts alive<< and there was one last week that floored me. The verse is from Ecclesiastes 3:11. The first part is one we've all heard, "He has made everything beautiful in its time." But the "b" part of this verse. " Also, He has put eternity in their hearts." Added as almost an aside, and yet this is possibly the most profound teaching I've gleaned from the Bible. God loves us SO much, He has shared his everlastingness - put it in our heart. When I was five years old, I became aware of the concept of eternity >>and it REALLY freaked me out<< I spent nights and days thinking, "forever, and forever, and forever, a...