We Will Not Be Shaken {working on our eternal self}

My husband, Scott, and I are leading a new marriage study by Francis Chan that is literally rocking me to my core {it's SO GOOD!!!} You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity is a marriage study, but it begins with an examination of your relationship with God. I've read the first chapter at least three times, trying to soak in all the truth. "... the best is yet to come. I'm sure of it. Even now, I am working to make sure my family is set up for the future. When most people make that statement, they are talking about financial security for their last few years on earth. When I say it, I'm referring to the millions of years that come after that ... I have imagined what it will be like when Lisa comes face to face with God. The Bible guarantees that will actually happen. One day, my wife will stand before the Creator and Judge of all things. What a staggering moment that will be! I can't imagine any of us being ready for the shock of that day, yet Scr...