Home Behind, The World Ahead

Our son, Noah, graduated from high school two weeks ago and Saturday/Sunday we moved him into his college dorm. On Sunday, as we drove to college, navigating through {crazy} Atlanta traffic, Noah in the back seat, I reminisced on the day we drove him home from the hospital, nearly 18 years to the day. The day we brought him home he was so small and fragile - 7 lb., 9 oz. of sweetness. It seemed all the cars on the road were a threat, even though we lived in a small town and even took side roads, where the max speed was 30 mph. Noah was our treasure, our pride and joy, and we wanted to protect him every day of his life. From the moment he entered the world he took my breath away. I was instantly in love. That first night I couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night, giddy like Christmas morning, marveling over his tiny fingers and toes, those cheeks and lips. {so delicious!} I whispered over and over my love for him. Being a mother is the greatest joy in my life. And today, on his ...