Love Slumbers Not

Today, I celebrate the miracle of marriage with my main-man, Scott. Our love story is a miracle and mirrors so vividly the story of Ruth. I'm currently leading a women's small group study on Ruth and journeying through her story has caused my heart to ponder and remember the story God wrote behind the scenes of my brokenness. A story only He could write. I praise God for His character, which never changes. Despite our whims and mortal flailing {and failing} God remains FOR us. This is us. Sixteen years ago, I was in the midst of a broken marriage. I was a single mother of a newly three-year-old little boy. God had shown His favor and led me to a job that gave provision {and He provided SO many miracles during that time}. He was a true husband, provider and father to myself and my son. In the very midst of all this chaos and mess, my mother spoke a prayer - a tiny mustard-seed prayer - that grew out of her heart, into God's heart, and into my story. My desire was to r...