The Deepest Waters

The last few months I have lived a quiet life, spending most of my time with Scott, our boys, and the Lord. Occasionally I would venture out for lunch with a friend, but often, outside of church on Sunday, I was home. It wasn't a conscious choice, but I do know it was from the Lord. There was so much healing I needed, more than I was even aware. The days seemed to run together, undulating with familiar tasks and different rhythms. God was so near as I battled loneliness and discouragement. While I longed for connection, I also felt weary - too weary to have anything to give outside my immediate circle of family and friends. For the last four+ years, I have gone from grief to grief. I have faced, felt, and lived in the darkness, and I can testify what's true in the light is true in the darkness. In the deepest shadows, God has given me incredible treasures of His deep peace, deep trust, deep love. And, He's taught me what it means to hope in Christ. My hope is not to have an...