Blessed are the Fragile

Lenten reflection for The Parish A few years ago my father suffered a fall and had deep bruising that went from his stomach to his back. The cardiologist admitted Daddy to the hospital and stopped his blood thinners. Further imaging revealed he also had a subdural hematoma, so a neurologist joined his care team. When his team of —ologists were convinced he was well enough to go home, we were so excited. Still, arriving at home didn’t mean his health journey ended. At best, Daddy was precariously stable. While he did recover, I began to truly realize how fragile my father’s health was—and really how fragile all our lives are, if we allow ourselves to admit this truth. The Lenten season begins with us declaring our own limitedness: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you will return.” Just as Advent gives us forty days to prepare for the birth of Jesus, Lent is a time to reflect on who we are in Jesus. We journey with Jesus to the cross and, if we’re brave enough, we allow ourselves to a...