Safely Nested
“Look at all the birds—do you think they worry about their existence? They don’t plant or reap or store up food, yet your heavenly Father provides them each with food. Aren’t you much more valuable to your Father than they?" Matthew 6:26
Sunday morning, Scott and I heard a sweet bird singing. We found a mama bird had entrusted her babies to the care of a nest built inside the wreath on our front door. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE birds. I inherited a love of birds from my grandmother, Louise. I love their beauty, their songs, and their simple trust in God. Nature is modeling its trust in God - in the birth of baby animals, the bloom of flowers and trees, and the sun and moon as they rise and fall.
When this pandemic first began, I wasn't worried. But as the weeks went on, small moments of dread began to invade my heart and weighed heavily. On good days, I have a routine - praise and worship, work, feed our family, drink ALL the coffee. But some days, I take my eyes off God and look down at our circumstances and feel very overwhelmed. Sunday morning was one of those days. And then, we heard the song of a sweet mama bird.
"Our Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms, may the GLORY of your name be the center on which our lives turn." Matthew 6:9. This time, like every time in human history, is about GOD and our response to Him. Every day, He calls us to be sincere and pure of heart - to worship, pray, and give humbly - not boasting for the world to see but for the LORD. God sees all we do in His name and ALL of heaven will be our reward.
As Christians, God chose us to be in this time and place. We are uniquely positioned to be the light. In prayer Sunday, God called me to entrust my worries to His perfect care and remember ALL the ways He is SO GOOD. God is challenging His children to be FULLY who He created us to be. He created us for connection with His Holy Spirit and each other. In many ways I feel like we are living MOST as God meant for us in these days.
I am learning to trust God in each moment. Just like those baby birds, we are safely nested in Gods hand. He will tend to, provide, and see us safely through.
How may I pray for you?

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