His Mysterious Ways
Filed under, His Mysterious Ways
For the past three days I haven’t been able to keep food down. Yesterday, at the behest of my primary doctor, I went to Emory JC to rule out gall stones.
Bloodwork and ultrasound showed nothing acute. It was 7PM and I was ready to go home, but my nurse suggested I get a CT. I really wanted to say no, but a tiny voice in the back of my head was like, “Do it girl.”
The scan showed a growth we’ve been watching last year in my descending colon got busy and decided to grow. When I logged into my portal to compare the growth I saw a message saying my November appointment with my GYN ONC was canceled because she’s leaving the practice.
This morning I called to reschedule (and PRAYED) and they had an opening at Emory St. Joes for 11am with my doctor. She’s very pragmatic, reserved and thoughtful. We have been watching this little growth that could for 10 months and she’s never been concerned. Today was different.
She wants the growth to be biopsied. She feels it’s necrotic and consistent with metastatic disease. Waiting for radiologist to review the images and see if they feel it’s reachable via biopsy. If not will just have surgery to remove and possibly resection the colon. Might also have targeted radiation. She also let me know who the new doctor taking over my care will be. I feel at peace with the plan. Thank you - everyone - for your prayers 

I love you. I love God - all my hope is in Him.
“Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion.” Dolly Parton

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