God Writes Beautiful Stories
God writes the most beautiful stories. A month ago I messaged my friend and hairdresser, Leah, my next appointment would require a buzz due to starting chemo. She shared the name of a lady who had just made a custom wig for another hairdressers client. She asked on my behalf and Yolanda said she would be happy to consult.
Saturday, December 19 I went to see Yolanda and truly the presence of God was there. I immediately felt a great peace. One of her clients, Gayle, was waiting on her husband to pick her up and got to hear my story. Before she left, she asked to pray over me and I felt such a deep love in my heart for her and Yolanda.
Today, along with my angel Sandy and Leah and Yolanda, we shaved my head. And Sandy is going to donate my hair to Locks of Love, which makes my heart so happy.
Miss Yolanda made me the most glorious custom wig - so curly and vibrant and comfortable. And then she went back to her shop and came back with another wig - this one custom made to look like my hair. A secret gift from Gayle.
I am so overwhelmed by the profound love of our Lord and the hearts and hands He moved on my behalf. Overwhelmed and humbled and so, so grateful.
Leah gifted me todays services, along with a fun teal wig (the color for ovarian cancer) and kept the spirit light and merry and bright - so bright few tears could enter - or stay long.
I’m like Mary - pondering all these things in my heart. I love you Sandy, Leah, and Gayle. You are my angels and I am so grateful. Thank you for sharing the burden and making it light.
“My heart explodes with praise to you! Now and forever my heart bows in worship to you, my King and my God! Every day I will lift up my praise to your name with praises that will last throughout eternity. Lord, you are great and worthy of the highest praise! For there is no end to the discovery of the greatness that surrounds you. Generation after generation will declare more of your greatness and declare more of your glory. Your magnificent splendor and the miracles of your majesty are my constant meditation.” Psalm 145 

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