All for Love
Got to celebrate my favorite November birthdays. Mama turned 70 Saturday and we had a small family pizza party. Afterward Scott and I pulled out her Christmas decorations and added some lights and festiveness to the home.
Tuesday we celebrated the love of my life - Scott. We enjoyed dinner and showering him with gifts.
This week we also got to gather as a family to celebrate Elijah's HS graduation ceremony at Lanier Tech (postponed twice due to COVID). Monday's ceremony was so glorious and inspirational. There were mothers and daughters, brothers and sisters, old and young who walked the stage. The mayor of Auburn spoke and her life story took my breath away. She is the epitome of "But God ..." She spoke with Elijah afterward and encouraged him in his next steps.
We continue to see and feel God's hand in every moment of our story. A devotion I read said the purpose of every test is to take us higher. While it's hard to be continually pressed and refined, love makes it worth it all - love of God, love of family, and the hope of heaven, where love lives eternally.
In Bible Study Fellowship we studied Matthew 8 this week. One of my favorite truths was this - God abides with us in the storms of life and is STILL in control. We need Him to calm our inner storm in the midst of the storm around us. We can trust Jesus' authority over ALL our brokenness, because He exercises His authority with compassion.
As I continue to grow in my love of God, I feel more resolve to finish this race. I Corinthians 13:8 states “Love never fails (it never fades nor ends)." I am weary, but not overwhelmed. I feel God sustaining us through the Holy Spirit, scripture, love of friends and family, and so many prayers.
When I am weak (and weary) God is strong. The lyrics from Josh Wright's song is a reminder of this truth.
So I don't have to be the strongest
'Cause you are perfect in my weakness
If You can move a mountain with faith like a grain of mustard seed
I wonder what You could do with me
Until all is restored. Grateful for the nearness of God, for our family and friends who are family, for the beauty in each day, and for the hope of heaven. 

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