We Will Not Be Shaken {working on our eternal self}

My husband, Scott, and I are leading a new marriage study by Francis Chan that is literally rocking me to my core {it's SO GOOD!!!} You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity is a marriage study, but it begins with an examination of your relationship with God. I've read the first chapter at least three times, trying to soak in all the truth.
"... the best is yet to come. I'm sure of it. Even now, I am working to make sure my family is set up for the future. When most people make that statement, they are talking about financial security for their last few years on earth. When I say it, I'm referring to the millions of years that come after that ... I have imagined what it will be like when Lisa comes face to face with God. The Bible guarantees that will actually happen. One day, my wife will stand before the Creator and Judge of all things. What a staggering moment that will be! I can't imagine any of us being ready for the shock of that day, yet Scripture begs us to spend our lives preparing for it ... Because I am crazy about Lisa, I want her to have a great life. But more than that, I want her to have a great eternity. I want her to look back at her life without regret. I want her to be confident the time she spent on earth prepared her for heaven. Most importantly, I want her to hear God say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." {Matt. 25:23}

I've prayed  Meditated on it. And now I'm working on applying it to my daily life {and the lives of my husband and children}.

Our daily interruptions, struggles and worries are nothing in light of eternity. <--- I know, easy to say, hard to apply. But it's so true - this moment is brief and eternity is long. The kindnesses and patience we give, those we love and serve - these {and so much more} build our eternal self.

I'll admit I'm ever-striving, ever-seeking. I'm still a mess, but I'm seeking to know God {and live the life He created just for me and me alone}. I'm so thankful God's love isn't based on worth, or deeds - it's based on love {and love alone}. God has generously shared ALL He is with us. His beauty, His glory, His gifts - all these are available to us. When He looks at you, He sees beauty and He loves you with a love so pure and powerful that if you saw even a tiny glimpse you would fall to your knees.

It makes me think of Moses in Exodus - His experience with the glory of God demonstrates this truth. The Lord sent Moses to deliver Israel without giving him a full revelation of who HE was. God simply said, "Go, and say I AM sent you." But Moses was all, "who is I AM?" <--- {amy-revised-version} - Moses didn't have the benefit of being a post-resurrection generation. He needed to KNOW this great I AM - to understand who He really was - and then this happened:
"Then the Eternal One passed before him. Eternal One: The Eternal God, full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger, and abundant in loyal love and truth, who maintains loyal love to thousands of people, who forgives wrongdoing, rebellion, and sin ... Moses quickly bowed down on the ground and worshiped."

God allowed Moses to see His glory so he might be changed by the sight of it! And the same is true for us today. God reveals His GLORY to us so, by seeing, we might be changed. Once you get this revelation of God's glory - of His love, mercy, grace, long-suffering and readiness to forgive - the Holy Spirit will continually open your eyes to more and more {AND MORE} of who God is {and it's beautiful!} I've experienced this in my own life and it grounds me - the more I seek God, the more I know Him. It's an ever-increasing revelation {and His nature is LOVE!}

I encourage you {and challenge myself} to keep seeking, studying, ever-striving - until the vision of God's GLORY BURSTS inside your heart!

I'm so moved by Bethel Music's song We Will Not Be Shaken. It's in my morning worship music rotation and the words are so powerful. The GLORY of God brings courage and strength. God is with us in our earthly sufferings {and He is good - He is for us - He can be trusted - He has OVERCOME} Through His unfailing love, we will not be shaken. There's greater things to come {praying for all those ever-striving} ♥


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